Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Many Calories Does Braums Yogurt Have

Basta Moratti, basta De Corato!!! No alla guerra ai poveri!

A significant example how do you come to Milan Moratti, there it shows the daily La Repubblica in this article we want porre all'attenzione di chi ci legge. Una Milano che fa la guerra ai poveri, agli esclusi, una Milano che sembra incarnare perfettamente quella società liquida e consumista descritta dal grande sociologo Zygmunt Bauman, una società che produce "rifiuti umani", cioè tutti coloro che non  riescono o non possono adeguarsi ai ritmi della post-modernità, e che diventano una minaccia per il potere, perché con la loro presenza ricordano a tutti la precarietà della vita di ognuno di noi. L'approccio della giunta Moratti ai problemi dell'emarginazione urbana, dell'immigrazione, dell'abitazione, degli spazi sociali...... è quanto di più barbaro si possa immaginare: sgomberi, cieca repressione e razzismo istituzionalizzato. Even so, Let us fight all Pisapia for mayor of Milan and that he represents a real alternative. An administration of a European city can not have this attitude towards the most disadvantaged citizens, we want an open and supportive .... with Milan Mayor Pisapia.

from the site of La Repubblica's online March 12, 2011: news/vigili_urbani_il_diktat_del_comune_fino_alle_elezioni_niente_pi_multe-13494664 /


traffic wardens, the diktat of the City
until the elections no more fines

In 'operating instructions' sent to all controls traffic into the background
"During the election campaign is always the case. And even sprout cans ... "

of France go
Thursday, the command sent to the brigade of the nine priority areas of the lineup until the municipal elections: the fine flower vendors (foreign, non-voting), combating illegal markets (mostly Senegalese), patrols to 10 km / h to ensure the safety effect. The new 'operational guidelines' have been accepted by the older brigade with a laugh. "It happens before every election, but this time we went down says a heavy cast iron long course, from a life in zone 5 when they approach the ballot box to make you stop and fines for those who will vote, and beat up others .

Once there was the rule of the plate: the minutes do to Genoa and Bologna, both the mayor elected at home. Now we take the people who bother with. " De Corato has unsheathed the ultimate weapon: the pepper spray. But the fight to the double row of priority up to two months ago, what happened? "Nobody told us to stop doing trawl fines - says an alert zone 6 - but if all the patrols have focused on the security services will suffer."

SERVICES. Patrols De Corato require means and men. Sierra patrols, those who go for a walk in the evening to the suburbs never explored before by fire brigades, 27 are for a total of 54 agents divided over three shifts. The "Charlie Delta", tasked to eat ground for beggars and squeegee that Tampin motorists at traffic lights, spend every giorno18 cars to 36 brigades. Who goes there in the middle of the intersection if a traffic light fails? "The shortage of personnel and equipment is chronic, and if the patrols are used for commercial operations, says the problem worsens Danilo Tosarelli, CGIL local police under the lease the City does not provide replacement cars in case of failure, and often do not know by what means disposal, to example, notifications on behalf of the prosecutor. Serve more than 40 cars in the street. " But notifications are not a priority, so the beggars.

the organ. To understand what problems the City Council considers priorities, just study the distribution of 3,071 fighters in Milan between the various tasks. The officers that watch over the safety at construction sites to prevent deaths at work are two. Those of the "core special services" che rincorrono i graffitari, multano i quindicenni che bevono birra o sgomberano i rom sono invece 51. E se appena 37 vigili devono gestire i migliaia di ricorsi alle multe presentati dagli automobilisti, quelli addetti alle rimozioni dei veicoli sono diminuiti negli anni fino a quota 53. Ma ultimamente il carro attrezzi lo prendono di rado. «Di rimozioni non se ne fanno quasi, perché siamo tutti impegnati nella frenesia da buca stradale  racconta un vigile al comando di zona 2  mandiamo pattuglie a spasso per segnalare al Comune dove ci sia asfalto da rattoppare, già sapendo che tanto non ci sono tecnici a sufficienza per farlo». Che le buche (aperte da dicembre) siano ora una priorità, il comando lo ha deciso qualche giorno ago.

overtime. Nentre brigade unions were divided on the usefulness of the stinging spray - with the CGIL "contrary to the security-drift" and Sulpm "favorable to the safety of someone in the street" - Palazzo Marino asked the cast of the usual 2 thousand hours extraordinary. It happens every day. In twelve months the brigade has done 700 thousand hours of extra service, and on average each of the 2 thousand agents who agree to work out their hours are 347 hours of overtime. The law says that the limit is 180 per year, but there are those who makes 140 a month. "We cover 35 percent of services in overtime, because they are too few fighters 3071 Joseph Falanga says, the union UIL FPL Add to this the fact that we are called to perform the function of public policy without receiving any compensation for this. "

RESULTS. The numbers released by the deputy mayor told a brigade ultra efficient and always at the forefront. Lining up on the latest press releases from De Corato it turns out that last year, the ration was fined 3,357 street traders, which in just two weeks patrols CharliePierfrancesco Majorino, leader of the Democratic Party in the municipal council, attacks: "Instead of inventing nonsense, De Corato should tell us why today there are fewer than 480 fighters at the time of Alberti. "


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