struggles against neo-liberalism flare up from one side of the Mediterranean .... Greece
Sunday, March 6, 2011
From the site: 'I Will not Pay'
(I Will not Pay) has sparked a heated debate in Greece hurt by a debt crisis, in response to which the government is was forced to take drastic measures austerity – tra maggiori imposte, tagli salariali e pensionistici e picchi al rialzo nei prezzi dei servizi pubblici. 
Una valanga di scandali politici scoppiati negli ultimi anni – tra cui una dubbia partita di scambio di terreni e le presunte tangenti negli appalti statali – ha alimentato questo vento di ribellione.
dawn last Friday about 100 activists belonging to a Communist trade union group covered with plastic bag dispensers of the metro stations in Athens, preventing passengers to pay fares, in protest against increases in public transport. Other activists have damaged several ticket machines on buses and trams. And thousands of people simply do not bother to validate their tickets more in buses and subways. "People have already largely paid for through taxes, so now should have the right to free travel," said Konstantinos Thimianos, 36, committed picketing in the Syntagma Square metro station. In a recent occupations of tollbooths at the northern outskirts of Athens demonstrators wore colored T-shirts with the inscription "Total Disobedience," and sang
: The movement has also gained a foothold in the health sector, with several hospital physicians involved in overseeing the ticket machines to prevent patients from paying the 5 euro flat fare Critics accuse the demonstrators to represent another example della mentalità anarcoide che ha contribuito a far scivolare il paese nel caos finanziario.
“Questa esplosione della illegalità è come un cancro che si sparge,” ha scritto Dionysis Gousetis in un recente articolo apparso sulle colonne del quotidiano Kathimerini.

“Grazie all’alibi della crisi gli
scrocconi hanno smesso di nascondersi. Fanno orgogliosamente bella mostra di sé ed agiscono come eroi della disobbedienza civile. Una via di mezzo tra Rosa Parks e il Mahatma Gandhi”, ha proseguito Gousetis. “Ma il non pagare in prima persona per loro non è abbastanza; devono anche costringere il prossimo a fare lo stesso.”
Many accuse the leftist parties and trade unions to ride the wave of popular movement for their own political ends.
"Think of that illegality is something revolutionary in a position to help the people of greek" - recently said the Prime Minister in Parliament Alexis Tsipras criticized Papandreou, leader of the left - "but the people today is paying its widespread lawlessness in our country. "
Movement" I Will not Pay "demonstrates, however, one aspect is rooted in Greek society: the propensity to However, many see the move "I Will not Pay" as something much simpler: the
rejection by the people to pay for
errors committed by a series of Governments accused of having squandered the nation's future with the corruption and cronyism. 
"But when some non viene rispettata, ad esempio quando si ha a che fare con ministri che rubano … beh, se le leggi non vengono rispettate in alto,
anche tutti gli altri finiscono per non rispettarle.” Traduzione di Anticorpi. Post correlati: Grecia: Prove Tecniche di NWO
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