Saturday, March 5, 2011

Foundation Size For Block Planter

Interview with Gamal Al Banna, philosopher, scholar, intellectual end progressive and brother of Hassan al Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. The current situation in Egypt, in the aftermath of the revolt.

today in the newspaper "La Repubblica", at least in the online version, was published an article that we have to bring to the attention of those passing through this blog. Dr. Gamal Al Banna has long been an intellectual who I admire very much. He has written numerous texts, including one that I have read and enjoyed particularly was that "al-Islam din wa wa Umma laysa Din wa Dawla "-" Islam is a religion and a community and not a religion and a state, "stressing the importance and full adherence to the dictates of the Islamic faith of the separation of powers. has always been in favor of a State layman, a progressive Islam, esull'amore based on social justice and mutual cooperation, the religion of equality and universal brotherhood, Gamal Banna is a senior scholar in religion at the same time. As the most famous brother grew up in a very religious and knew the Koran by heart since childhood, he went with religious studies but also humanities. In this interview talks about the current situation in Egypt, after the expulsion of Mubarak.

Al-Banna, the voice of moderate Islam
"In Egypt and Libya no risk jihad," interview

the intellectual brother of the founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamic forces feared by many in the West "does not point to the radicalization of the conflict, but the Islamization of society from below." Still high risks of instability in Cairo. And the Libyan revolt "and secular society with a strong national sense, a split unlikely"

CAIRO - Today novantunenne, Gamal al-Banna is considered one of the leading intellectuals Egyptians living. But it is especially among the most knowledgeable of the doctrines of the brotherhood of the Muslim Brotherhood


, founded in 1928 by his own brother, Hassan al-Banna, who was killed in 1949 by the assassination of Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmoud Pasha, attributed to the confraternity. Gamal is also cousin Sa'id Ramadan (Hassan's son), in turn, the founder of Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Gamal has never joined the brotherhood, but has spent his life studying the doctrines of his brother and disseminate ideas, often with a critical eye, and today is considered an exponent of progressive Islam. He lives in one of the most remote poor of Cairo, where, despite his age, he continues to write books tireless in promoting the idea of \u200b\u200ba nation state based on Islamic principles. We met cha in the aftermath of the revolution has upset Egypt, to understand what role now want to play the controversial Muslim Brotherhood, which so frightened the West.

Dr. Gamal, she writes of the long failure of the Arab nation-states, calling them a new foundation from a revival of Islamic society. But he expected what is happening in Egypt and much of the Arab world?
"No, if you do not think anyone in this mode, not in its size and speed. In Egypt, the agony del regime di Mubarak era percepibile da tempo, ma tutti si attendevano che il momento più critico sarebbe stato il passaggio dei poteri al figlio. Sicuramente la rivolta in Tunisia ha acceso la scintilla, ma è stata poi la rivolta in Egitto a trascinare tutti gli altri Paesi arabi. È sempre stato così nella storia di questa parte del mondo: vista la sua mole, quando l'Egitto fa un passo, tutti gli altri Paesi seguono. Persino l'Arabia Saudita. È sempre stato così". Il mondo occidentale ha presto preso le parti della piazza, senza però nascondere le sue preoccupazioni per un'eventuale ascesa del radicalismo islamico, in Egitto come altrove. Quale ruolo hanno giocato e intendono giocare i Fratelli Musulmani? "Fin dall'inizio delle proteste di piazza, i Fratelli Musulmani hanno scelto di assecondarle senza cercare di strumentalizzarle, perché hanno subito compreso che non avrebbero potuto influenzare quanto stava accadendo. La gioventù dei Fratelli Musulmani è scesa anch'essa in the square like the others, waving the flags of Egypt and not those of the brotherhood. There were still more than 20-30 thousand young people of the Muslim Brotherhood, nothing compared to the 2 million who have busy Tahrir Square. They chose, therefore, a prudent strategy, but merely to support the demand for reform of the square. The Muslim Brotherhood today are determined to play by the rules of democracy. If and when there will be elections, surely will take part, but I can already say that it will present its own candidate for president. They do not have the strength right now to take power, their efforts are rather directed to an Islamization of Egyptian society from below, in all its aspects, from the private sphere, to economic and social. " The semi-underground that has been forced by the Brotherhood Mubarak today does not allow even the most political observers to assess its real roots in the country and its potential electoral strength. Everyone agrees with the fact that the Brothers Muslims are highly organized and present at all levels of Egyptian society, but to what extent?

"If tomorrow you were to hold free elections in Egypt, I believe that the Muslim Brotherhood would get safely between 20 and 25% of the votes , of around 120-150 seats in Parliament. But I also consider that if the instability were to grow and extend the period of uncertainty, their strength potrebbe aumentare ulteriormente, in quanto sono decisamente l'elemento più organizzato e strutturato della società egiziana. Sono una realtà sociale in crescita, questo è fuor di dubbio, che viste le dimensioni assunte è divenuta inevitabilmente anche una forza politica, sebbene questo non fosse inizialmente il suo obiettivo. Sono nati come movimento educativo della società ed ora sono divenuti una forza politica. L'attuale leadership è sicuramente decisa a rispettare le regole democratiche invocate dalla piazza. Ma anche se in questi ultimi anni ha sviluppato una certa coscienza politica, ritengo che questa sia ancora embrionale, primitiva".
Il radicalismo violento del passato dei Fratelli Musulmani rende comunque West and especially difficult to believe the liberal forces in Egyptian society in their new democratic face.

"It's true, but whenever you are inside the brotherhood formed extremist and violent, they have always been removed before the movement suffer government repression. The Muslim Brotherhood has never theorized the use of violence to Islamisation of society. Much of their bad reputation is also due to the effective Israeli propaganda, which was followed by the involvement of the Brotherhood in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially during the second world war. It is a fact that the Muslim Brotherhood Israel is a colonial presence unacceptable in the heart of the Arab world. Americans and Europeans are therefore right to argue that the Brotherhood is against Israel, but wrong when they think it is a movement of fanatics. The Muslim Brotherhood urged the population to live each day according to the dictates of Islam, but profess no holy war. "
But how is it possible to combine the goal of Islamizing society with the principles of a pluralist democracy?

"Of course, the model to follow would be to turkish, where the Islamic party has been able to adapt to the rules of modern democracies, changing the term Shari'a in" Justice and Jihad

in "development." Want to convince people to live according to Islamic precepts is not anti-democratic ".
Given the chaos in which to Egypt and the inevitable weakening the regional level as well as other Arab countries, that Tehran believes may increase the its sphere of influence?
"Unfortunately Egypt under Mubarak has long since lost its regional clout, and today we no longer have any influence or power as the tiny emirate Qatar. But I believe that for reasons of language, culture and history, the influence of Iran can not go beyond Iraq and Bahrain. Surely it will not arrive in Egypt and the Maghreb. I would say that this revolution may also be able to unleash the forces of Egyptian society and bring the country to a new role and a new influence in the region. Take time, of course, but the premises are all given the importance of population, resources, history and especially the capacity in terms of institutions and civil society. "

What about Libya? Drop Gaddafi may bring you to the second birth of an Islamic state? "I do not think. Despite the fears of the West, Libyan society has a strong secular tradition. I also think it unlikely that the country could collapse and split into many regional entities. Gaddafi will certainly fight to the last, but nonostante le divergenze tra le diverse componenti tribali, la popolazione libica fin dall'indipendenza del Paese ha sviluppato un forte senso di unità nazionale anche a seguito dei tentativi d'ingerenza delle potenze straniere. Non ritengo probabile una divisione della Libia".

Quale previsione si sente di fare per l'Egitto da qui a sei mesi? "Anche se la situazione è delicata, io spero vivamente che il dialogo tra l'esercito, i giovani e le forze d'opposizione possa portare alle prime elezioni libere del Paese, in grado di dar vita a un ciclo virtuoso che porti a un vero sviluppo senza più la corruzione del regime di Mubarak. Personalmente non ho preferenze per il prossimo presidente, ma ritengo che oggi il candidato enjoying greater popularity El Baradei. Could he be our next president. Unfortunately I'm too old to even think of seeing with my own eyes if my country will manage to shake off its recent past. "
online version from the newspaper" La Repubblica "March 5, 2011


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