Videos Travaglio Berlusconi and the program P2
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The links between Berlusconi and the PDL with the P2 Lodge and the "new" Masonic groups threatening subversive always very active in Italy, according to the authoritarian and anti-democratic and historical facts are indisputable. Berlusconi was in the P2 card n.1816 (he was convicted in 1989 for false testimony about the date of registration to P2, then promptly pardoned by Craxi) were also Cicchitto and Brancher (already sentenced to 2 years). Gravity has always been in the PDL, Bisignani, the man who for a time he almost had an undersecretary of the day by his partner, Daniela Santanché. Bisignani has been indicated in an interview by Berlusconi as the most powerful man in Italy, never appears, there are rare photos in his movement, was at the time of P2 is the recruiter of young lobby eversiva (aveva solo 28 anni) e dopo una condanna a 2 anni e 8 mesi per la maxi-tangente Enimont a Craxi scoperta dal team di "Mani Pulite", ritorna in sella con il suo lavorio intenso e misterioso. E' stato al centro delle indagini di De Magistris che lo individuava come il capo di una nuova P2. Oggi è nuovamente al centro di un'indagine che può rivelarsi epocale, portata avanti dalla Procura di Napoli. E poi tutte le seguenti associazioni segrete in fortissimo odore di massoneria deviata, miranti a deviare decisioni giudiziarie, influenzare scalate finanziarie, si sono scoperte composte da membri del PdL, suoi esponenti governativi, o personaggi che vi gravitano attorno. Come il faccendiere Carboni, il coordinatore del PdL Verdini, the usual and relapsed Brancher, Dell'Utri, the new discovery of Berlusconi, the PDL with parliamentary commissions on justice Pope, Gianni Letta, Giuliano Ferrara, the pro-PDL print agenziadi historically voice of the Masonic circles of politics "Il Velino" now presided over by the Parliamentary PDL, Capezzone .... all the focus of many investigations aimed secret subversive groups named by the press significantly P3 and P4 then ...
One can not talk about this, when, as he explains in this excellent "Word of Mouth" Marco Travaglio, (which do not always agree, but on issues related to crime in Italy as politicians and power is certainly very well informed), Berlusconi with his coveted and dangerous "reform" della Giustizia realizza con tutta evidenza un altro tassello dei tanti già realizzati per arrivare alla realizzazione del progetto della P2. Suggeriamo di andare a leggerlo su wikipedia, èsorprendentemente uguale alla situazione realizzatasi dopo 15 anni di governi Berlusconi:
Alcuni punti base del piano della loggia eversiva dell'ordine democratico?
* Controllo dei media . Il piano prevedeva il controllo di quotidiani e la liberalizzazione delle emittenti televisive (all'epoca permesse solo a livello regionale) allo scopo di controllarle, e in questo modo influenzare l'opinione pubblica; nonché l'abolizione del monopolio della RAI e la sua privatizzazione. Prima della scoperta della loggia, l'abolizione del monopolio RAI era avvenuto con la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale del luglio 1974 che liberalizzava le trasmissioni televisive via cavo. Dopo la scoperta della loggia, questo aspetto del piano sarebbe stato portato avanti dall'iscritto Silvio Berlusconi che ha acquisito altri due canali televisivi e, allo stato attuale, controlla direttamente o indirettamente alcune testate giornalistiche e la RAI .
* Reform of the judiciary: the division between the role of PM and magistrate, responsibility against CSM of parliament. Theme on the political agenda since the end of the First Republic and is still present. It is observed that introducing liability of the CSM against the parliament would be technically a subordination of the judiciary to the legislature, and thus would avoid the separation of powers . The amendment, in fact, would require a constitutional reform .
* The liability (fault) of magistrates
* The rules for access to career (preliminary psychological aptitude tests) .
along the way ... another reason to oppose with all our strength!
And here is where the project piduista to the trade unions and workers' rights :
- bring the union to its "natural role" of
" interlocutor of the phenomenon in a productive unlawful assumption of what interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions " |
the union should not make policy. In view of this
" limitare il diritto di sciopero alle causali economiche ed assicurare comunque la libertà di lavoro » |
- provvedere alla
« restaurazione della libertà individuale nelle fabbriche e aziende in genere per consentire l'elezione dei consigli di fabbrica con effettive garanzie di segretezza del voto » |
Il primo obiettivo è collegato al tema della insufficiente delimitazione di chiari confini e della sovrapposizione powers that weaken the state. As an example:
" displacement of the centers of real power of Parliament by the Government to the unions and employers' means the related multinational Financial Action " |
The two objectives are realized by two hypotheses:
- stress fracture of the CISL and UIL and subsequent union with the autonomous unions;
- current internal control:
" acquire securities of equal amount with the most available of the existing federations in order to overthrow the balance of power within the current Trimurti. Council finally read this, which I found very interesting: |
Among the lists of members of P2, unfortunately incomplete, it was discovered that virtually all the Italian ruling class was linked to the Lodge. Summits intelligence, police, policemen, financiers, senior judges, leading experts in high finance, businessmen, lawyers, politicians of course .... a black lump of dangerous power, spread widely. Obviously these characters and these forces of reaction are still in business as we see every day .....
know is to be free, spread information on projects subversive of Berlusconi and the damage enormous advantages for democracy, the Constitution and freedom of each of us, though unfortunately were made!
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