Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Broken Capillaries Baby Cheek

Guardando il canale satellitare egiziano "Al Masriya". La libertà d'espressione è davvero arrivata in Egitto ed il dibattito culturale alto e stimolante

Ho appena visto per tutta la serata la Tv egiziana Al masriyya. Colpisce il clima di libertà di espressione, di gioia generale per queste conquiste, per la rivoluzione, la profondità del dibattito e getto continuo.: pensatori e politici si alternano a gruppi per discussioni di un’ora circa. E c’è il meglio dell’intellighenzia laica, religiosa e politica in generale egiziana, da ‘Amr Hamzawi, il giovane e simpatico studioso, analista molto ascoltato dall’amministrazione Obama riguardo al nuovo Egitto,  un famoso professore di un importante centro studi che sottolineava l’importanza del principio – pur senza voler proibire nulla a nessuno- che i partiti si formed on idealistic foundations rather than religious, ethnic ecc.Il his classical Arabic enchanted me ....
Then there was the leader of the relatively new party, Al Wasat, "the Center" (in translation you lose a little 'because the meaning of "wasatiyya" is a religious expression, much used in dellaFratelli Muslims , which means a vision of Islam that focuses on middle to extremes, even within a narrow orthodoxy, in fact typical of the religious vision of Islam sympathizers and members of the Brotherhood). "Al Wasat" is a group of former Muslim Brothers in strong dispute with the Brotherhood in 1996 decided to found a party, "Al Wasat." Under the old regime permits to applicants for new parties were granted by Mubarak and the NDP party-government (officially needed to ask the advice of a government commission!) And of course, "Al Wasat" never had his "license" . Permit and certificate of existence instead came a few weeks ago, the Revolution party and made operational immediately. The Muslim Brotherhood have declared war on rival this training, in fact, the Brothers have announced the formation of a party "Hurriya wa 'Adala," Freedom and Justice, and declared that every member of the organization Muslim Brotherhood, of any level, can not enter other parties if not in their "Hurriya wa 'Adala. Very moderate and innovative exponent of the speech "Wasat", a truly secular state vision and a sharp break with the Muslim Brotherhood and found that not taunt each other, lamenting the harm to a group to do the work of "da'wa" (pastoral care) and political party at the same time, obviously referring to the brothers, and stressing that this was precisely the point of irreparable rupture. The two groups are now very far as ideological and processing does not seem unreasonable to suppose "Al Wasat" a bit like Turkey's Erdogan's AKP as opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood, comparable to the ex-Refah of Erbakan. It 's just an impression, but who knows. There were also the founder of a Coptic party, "Al Istiqama" The Straight Path, and one of the historic leader of the "Islamic groups", the jamaaat islamiyya "which was recently released from prison after an agreement of that part of his group, majority did not follow that al-Zawahiri in al Qaeda and has instead opted for a "fire stop" unilateral, which earned the group the slow return to life before and now everything in politics because they too want found a party. Of course, the party of the Salafis is not the best, but I do not think would achieve great things in proportion and would remain largely minority.
In any case, the freedom in Egypt can be seen very well from these things and the air we breathe is enthusiasm and a new life, a new opportunity to debate and discuss, to make active, to practice democracy and try to self-determination.


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