Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Broken Capillaries Baby Cheek

Guardando il canale satellitare egiziano "Al Masriya". La libertà d'espressione è davvero arrivata in Egitto ed il dibattito culturale alto e stimolante

Ho appena visto per tutta la serata la Tv egiziana Al masriyya. Colpisce il clima di libertà di espressione, di gioia generale per queste conquiste, per la rivoluzione, la profondità del dibattito e getto continuo.: pensatori e politici si alternano a gruppi per discussioni di un’ora circa. E c’è il meglio dell’intellighenzia laica, religiosa e politica in generale egiziana, da ‘Amr Hamzawi, il giovane e simpatico studioso, analista molto ascoltato dall’amministrazione Obama riguardo al nuovo Egitto,  un famoso professore di un importante centro studi che sottolineava l’importanza del principio – pur senza voler proibire nulla a nessuno- che i partiti si formed on idealistic foundations rather than religious, ethnic ecc.Il his classical Arabic enchanted me ....
Then there was the leader of the relatively new party, Al Wasat, "the Center" (in translation you lose a little 'because the meaning of "wasatiyya" is a religious expression, much used in dellaFratelli Muslims , which means a vision of Islam that focuses on middle to extremes, even within a narrow orthodoxy, in fact typical of the religious vision of Islam sympathizers and members of the Brotherhood). "Al Wasat" is a group of former Muslim Brothers in strong dispute with the Brotherhood in 1996 decided to found a party, "Al Wasat." Under the old regime permits to applicants for new parties were granted by Mubarak and the NDP party-government (officially needed to ask the advice of a government commission!) And of course, "Al Wasat" never had his "license" . Permit and certificate of existence instead came a few weeks ago, the Revolution party and made operational immediately. The Muslim Brotherhood have declared war on rival this training, in fact, the Brothers have announced the formation of a party "Hurriya wa 'Adala," Freedom and Justice, and declared that every member of the organization Muslim Brotherhood, of any level, can not enter other parties if not in their "Hurriya wa 'Adala. Very moderate and innovative exponent of the speech "Wasat", a truly secular state vision and a sharp break with the Muslim Brotherhood and found that not taunt each other, lamenting the harm to a group to do the work of "da'wa" (pastoral care) and political party at the same time, obviously referring to the brothers, and stressing that this was precisely the point of irreparable rupture. The two groups are now very far as ideological and processing does not seem unreasonable to suppose "Al Wasat" a bit like Turkey's Erdogan's AKP as opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood, comparable to the ex-Refah of Erbakan. It 's just an impression, but who knows. There were also the founder of a Coptic party, "Al Istiqama" The Straight Path, and one of the historic leader of the "Islamic groups", the jamaaat islamiyya "which was recently released from prison after an agreement of that part of his group, majority did not follow that al-Zawahiri in al Qaeda and has instead opted for a "fire stop" unilateral, which earned the group the slow return to life before and now everything in politics because they too want found a party. Of course, the party of the Salafis is not the best, but I do not think would achieve great things in proportion and would remain largely minority.
In any case, the freedom in Egypt can be seen very well from these things and the air we breathe is enthusiasm and a new life, a new opportunity to debate and discuss, to make active, to practice democracy and try to self-determination.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Fix My Cable Cord

Sul FMI e la Tunisia- Michel Chossdovsky

In reading we propose that the Arab riots, it seems interesting to note that Michel Chossdovsky article, we propose the website: http:/ / www.islam-online.it/ . 

Per sapere di più su Michel Chossdovsky :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Chossudovsky

La Tunisia e i diktat del FMI

Come la politica economica provoca povertà e disoccupazione in tutto il mondo
di Michel Chossudovsky
Il generale Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, l’ex presidente deposto della Tunisia è definito dai media occidentali, in coro, come un dittatore.
Il movimento di protesta tunisino è descritto distrattamente come l’effetto di un regime antidemocratico e autoritario, che sfida le norme della “comunità internazionale”.
Ma Ben Ali non era un “dittatore”.  I dittatori decidono e comandano. Ben Ali era un servo degli interessi economci occidentali, un fedele burattino politico che obbediva agli ordini, con il sostegno attivo della comunità internazionale.
L’ingerenza straniera negli affari interni della Tunisia non è menzionata nei report dei media. Gli aumenti dei prezzi alimentari non erano “imposti” dal governo di Ben Ali. Erano imposti da Wall Street e dal FMI.
Il ruolo del governo di Ben Ali è was to enforce the deadly economic recipe of the IMF, which in a period of more than 20 years has led to the result of destabilizing the national economy and impoverish the population of Tunisia.
Ben Ali as head of state has not decided anything substantial. National sovereignty was already lost. In 1987, at the height of the debt crisis, the leftist government of Habib Bourguiba was replaced by a new regime, a strong commitment on reform of the "free market." Macroeconomic management under the guidance of the IMF was now in the hands of foreign creditors Tunisia. Over the past 23 years, the economic and social policy in Tunisia has been dictated by the "Washington Consensus".
Ben Ali to remain in power, because its government obeyed and implemented effectively the diktat of the IMF, serving both the U.S. and the European Union.
This model has been used in many countries.
The continuity of the reforms the IMF requires a deadly "replacement" of the regime. The establishment of a political puppet ensure the implementation of the neoliberal agenda, creating conditions for possible dismissal of a corrupt and unpopular government that is represented as a cause of impoverishment of an entire population.
The protest movement
are no Wall Street and financial institutions International based in Washington, to be the direct target of the protest movement. The social explosion has turned against the government rather than against the interference of foreign powers in the conduct of government policy.
beginning, the protests are no matches by an organized political movement against the imposition of neoliberal reforms.
addition, there are indications that the protest movement has been manipulated to create social chaos, and also ensure political continuity. There are unconfirmed reports of acts of repression and intimidation by armed militias in the main urban areas.
The important issue is how will evolve the crisis? As will be discussed by the Tunisian people the most serious problem foreign interference?
From the perspective of Washington and Brussels, the unpopular authoritarian regime is criticized in order to replace it with a new puppet government. Elections are planned and supervised by the so-called international community with candidates pre-selected.
If this process of regime change is made on behalf of foreign interests, the new government will no doubt ensure the continuity of the neoliberal policy, which has served to impoverish the population of Tunisia.
The interim government led by President responsible Fouad Mebazza is currently in a stalemate, with fierce opposition from the trade union movement (UGTT). Mebazza has promised to "break with the past", without specifying whether this means the repeal of the neoliberal economic reforms.
The media in chorus made the crisis in Tunisia as a matter of national policy, without a historical view. The presumption is that with the removal of "dictator" and the establishment of an elected government, the social crisis will eventually be resolved.
The first "bread riots" in Tunisia in 1984. The protest movement in January 1984 è stato motivato da un aumento del 100 per cento del prezzo del pane. Questo ricaro era stato chiesto dal FMI nel quadro del programma di aggiustamento strutturale (SAP) della Tunisia . L’eliminazione dei sussidi alimentari era di fatto una condizione del contratto di prestito con il FMI.
Il Presidente Habib Bourguiba, che aveva svolto un ruolo storico nella liberazione del suo paese dal colonialismo francese, dichiarò lo stato di emergenza in risposta ai disordini:
Mentre risuonavano gli spari, le truppe della polizia e dell’esercito in jeep e blindati occupavano la città per sedare la “rivolta del pane”. La dimostrazione di forza infine produsse una calma inquieta, ma solo dopo che più di 50 manifestanti e passanti erano stati uccisi. Poi, in una drammatica trasmissione radiotelevisiva di cinque minuti, Bourguiba annunciò che avrebbe riportato indietro l’aumento dei prezzi. (Tunisia: Bourguiba Lets Them Eat Bread - TIME, gennaio 1984)
In seguito alla ritrattazione del presidente Bourguiba, l’impennata del prezzo del pane fu invertita. Bourguiba licenziò il suo ministro degli Interni e rifiutò di rispettare le richieste del  Washington Consensus .
L’agenda neoliberista comunque aveva sortito i suoi effetti, portando all’inflazione galoppante e alla disoccupazione di massa. Tre anni dopo, Bourguiba e il suo governo were removed in a bloodless coup "for reasons of incompetence", bringing the session of the General President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in November 1987. This coup was not directed against Bourguiba, was intended to permanently dismantle the nationalist political structure initially established in the mid-50s, so that we can privatize state assets.
The military coup, not only marked the end of the post-colonial nationalism that was headed by Bourguiba, but also helped to weaken the role of France. The government of Ben Ali was back in Washington rather than Paris.
few months after the inauguration of Ben Ali ' as president of the country, an important agreement was signed with the IMF. It was also reached an agreement with Brussels on the establishment of a free trade regime with the EU. A broad privatization program was put under the control of the World Bank and IMF. With hourly wages of the order of € 0.75 per hour, Tunisia became also a bag of cheap labor for the European Union.
Who is the dictator?
A review of documents by the establishment of the IMF suggests that Ben Ali 'in 1987 to the present, his government had adhered strictly to the conditions of the IMF-World Bank, including the dismissal of public sector workers, the elimination of price controls on essential consumer goods and implementation of a comprehensive privatization program. Ordered the suspension of trade barriers by the World Bank led to a wave of bankruptcies.
Following these dislocations of the national economy, workers 'remittances from Tunisians' European Union became an increasingly important source of foreign exchange. There are about 650,000 Tunisians living overseas. The total remittances of emigrants in 2010 were estimated at U.S. $ 1,960 billion USD, up 57 percent over 2003. A large proportion of these remittances in foreign currencies are used to service the external debt of country.
7L'aumento speculation in world food prices
In September 2010, an agreement was reached between Tunisia and the IMF, which recommended the removal of the latter subsidies as a means to achieve Fiscal balance: The fiscal discipline
remains a top priority for the authorities [Tunisia], who feel the need to continue in 2010 with a strict fiscal policy in the current international context. The efforts made in the last decade to lower the level of public debt should not be affected by fiscal policy too lax. authorities are firmly committed to control current expenditure, including subsidies IMF ... Tunisia: 2010 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report, Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, and Statement by the Executive Director for Tunisia .
It is worth noting that the insistence of the IMF sull'austerità tax and removal of subsidies coincided chronologically with a further increase in food prices in the markets of London, New York and Chicago. These price increases are largely the result of speculation by major corporate and financial interests of the agribusiness sector. They are the result manipulation of real (not shortage) and have impoverished people worldwide. The race in food prices is a new stage of global impoverishment.
"The media has misled the public about the causes of these price increases, setting the focus almost exclusively on the increased costs of production, climate and other factors that reduce the offer and that could enhance the price of food.
Although these factors may come into play, are of limited significance in the explanation for the impressive and dramatic in commodity prices. They are largely the result di manipolazioni del mercato. Sono in gran parte attribuibili alle operazioni speculative sui mercati delle merci. I prezzi del grano sono stati amplificati artificialmente da speculazioni su grande scala nei mercati a termine di Chicago e di New York. …
La speculazione sul grano, il riso o il mais, si può fare senza nessuno scambio reale di merci. Le istituzioni che speculano nel mercato del grano non sono necessariamente coinvolte nella vendita o nella reale consegna del grano.
Le transazioni possono usare i fondi indicizzati sulle materie prime che sono scommesse sul movimento rialzista o ribassista dei prezzi dei beni. Una “put option” è una scommessa sul ribasso del prezzo, una “call option” è una scommessa sul rialzo. Con manipolazioni concordate, gli investitori istituzionali e le istituzioni finanziarie possono far salire il prezzo e quindi scommettere su un movimento rialzista di una materia prima in particolare.
La speculazione genera la volatilità del mercato. A sua volta, l’instabilità che ne risulta incoraggia l’ ulteriore attività speculativa.
I profitti sono realizzati quando il prezzo sale. Per contro, se lo speculatore play downward, selling on the market, will gain when the price collapses.
This recent speculative rise in food prices was due to a famine on a global scale without precedent "( Michel Chossudovsky, Global Famine , Global Research, May 2, 2008).
From 2006 to 2008, there was a dramatic rise in the prices of all major food commodities, including rice, wheat and corn. The price of rice has tripled in five years, from about $ 600 a ton in 2003 to more than $ 1,800 a tonne in May 2008.
The recent increase in price of wheat falls into an increase of 32 per cent of 'composite index of the FAO food prices in the second half of 2010.
"The rise in prices of sugar, wheat and oilseeds have led to a record in world food prices in December, surpassing the 2008 levels when the cost of food has sparked riots around the world and warnings to be issued on the prices entered in the "danger zone".
A monthly index of the United Nations in December exceeded the previous monthly peak - June 2008 - to reach the highest level since 1990. Published Organisation for the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the index shows the price of a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, increased for six consecutive months "( The Guardian, January 5, 2011)
bitter irony: in a context of rising food prices, the IMF suggested the removal of subsidies in order to achieve the goal of 'fiscal austerity.
Manipulation of data on poverty and unemployment
atmosphere of social despair prevails, people's lives are destroyed. While the protest movement in Tunisia is obviously a direct result of depleted total, the World Bank claims that poverty levels have been reduced by the reforms, market liberalization adopted by the government of Ben Ali.
According to the report on the country of the World Bank, the Tunisian government (with the support of the Bretton Woods) has been instrumental in reducing poverty levels to 7 percent (substantially lower than that recorded in the U.S. and the EU )
Tunisia has made substantial progress in the equation of development, in fighting poverty and achieving good social indicators. Reported an average growth rate of 5 percent over the past 20 years, with a constant increase in per capita income and a corresponding increase in the welfare of the population, registering a level of poverty by 7%, among the lowest in the region.
The constant increase in per capita income was the main engine for poverty reduction. ... The roads in rural areas were particularly important in helping the poor in these areas to connect to markets and urban services. Housing programs have improved the living standards of the poor and also have made available the income saving for their spending on food and nonfood items, with positive impacts of poverty alleviation. The food subsidies, to the poor, even if not optimally, however, have helped the urban poor. (World Bank - Tunisia - Country Brief)
These estimates on poverty, without mentioning any "analysis" of economic and social frames are authentic. They have a free market as the engine of an easing of poverty. The World Bank's analytical framework is used to justify a process of "repression" economy that has been applied worldwide in more than 150 countries in the developing world.
With 7 percent of the population living in poverty (as suggested by the "estimate", World Bank), and 93 percent of the population with basic needs met in terms of food, housing, health and education, there would be no crisis office in Tunisia.
The World Bank is actively involved in data manipulation and distortion of the difficult social situation of the Tunisian population.
The official unemployment rate is at 14 percent, but the real level of unemployment is much higher. Youth unemployment is recorded in the order of 30 percent. Social Services, including health and education are sunk by the impact of economic austerity measures of the World Bank and IMF.
Tunisia and the world
What's happening in Tunisia is part of a global economic process that destroys people's lives through the deliberate manipulation of market forces.
More generally, "the harsh economic and social realities underlying IMF intervention is on the rise in food prices, food shortages at the local level, massive layoffs of municipal workers and public employees, and destruction of social programs . Purchasing power has collapsed inside, hospitals and schools were closed, hundreds of millions of children was denied the right to primary education. "(Michel Chossudovsky, Global Famine , op cit.)
by Global Research, January 20, 2011

How Many Calories Does Braums Yogurt Have

Basta Moratti, basta De Corato!!! No alla guerra ai poveri!

A significant example how do you come to Milan Moratti, there it shows the daily La Repubblica in this article we want porre all'attenzione di chi ci legge. Una Milano che fa la guerra ai poveri, agli esclusi, una Milano che sembra incarnare perfettamente quella società liquida e consumista descritta dal grande sociologo Zygmunt Bauman, una società che produce "rifiuti umani", cioè tutti coloro che non  riescono o non possono adeguarsi ai ritmi della post-modernità, e che diventano una minaccia per il potere, perché con la loro presenza ricordano a tutti la precarietà della vita di ognuno di noi. L'approccio della giunta Moratti ai problemi dell'emarginazione urbana, dell'immigrazione, dell'abitazione, degli spazi sociali...... è quanto di più barbaro si possa immaginare: sgomberi, cieca repressione e razzismo istituzionalizzato. Even so, Let us fight all Pisapia for mayor of Milan and that he represents a real alternative. An administration of a European city can not have this attitude towards the most disadvantaged citizens, we want an open and supportive .... with Milan Mayor Pisapia.

from the site of La Repubblica's online March 12, 2011:

http://milano.repubblica.it/cronaca/2011/03/12/ news/vigili_urbani_il_diktat_del_comune_fino_alle_elezioni_niente_pi_multe-13494664 /


traffic wardens, the diktat of the City
until the elections no more fines

In 'operating instructions' sent to all controls traffic into the background
"During the election campaign is always the case. And even sprout cans ... "

of France go
Thursday, the command sent to the brigade of the nine priority areas of the lineup until the municipal elections: the fine flower vendors (foreign, non-voting), combating illegal markets (mostly Senegalese), patrols to 10 km / h to ensure the safety effect. The new 'operational guidelines' have been accepted by the older brigade with a laugh. "It happens before every election, but this time we went down says a heavy cast iron long course, from a life in zone 5 when they approach the ballot box to make you stop and fines for those who will vote, and beat up others .

Once there was the rule of the plate: the minutes do to Genoa and Bologna, both the mayor elected at home. Now we take the people who bother with. " De Corato has unsheathed the ultimate weapon: the pepper spray. But the fight to the double row of priority up to two months ago, what happened? "Nobody told us to stop doing trawl fines - says an alert zone 6 - but if all the patrols have focused on the security services will suffer."

SERVICES. Patrols De Corato require means and men. Sierra patrols, those who go for a walk in the evening to the suburbs never explored before by fire brigades, 27 are for a total of 54 agents divided over three shifts. The "Charlie Delta", tasked to eat ground for beggars and squeegee that Tampin motorists at traffic lights, spend every giorno18 cars to 36 brigades. Who goes there in the middle of the intersection if a traffic light fails? "The shortage of personnel and equipment is chronic, and if the patrols are used for commercial operations, says the problem worsens Danilo Tosarelli, CGIL local police under the lease the City does not provide replacement cars in case of failure, and often do not know by what means disposal, to example, notifications on behalf of the prosecutor. Serve more than 40 cars in the street. " But notifications are not a priority, so the beggars.

the organ. To understand what problems the City Council considers priorities, just study the distribution of 3,071 fighters in Milan between the various tasks. The officers that watch over the safety at construction sites to prevent deaths at work are two. Those of the "core special services" che rincorrono i graffitari, multano i quindicenni che bevono birra o sgomberano i rom sono invece 51. E se appena 37 vigili devono gestire i migliaia di ricorsi alle multe presentati dagli automobilisti, quelli addetti alle rimozioni dei veicoli sono diminuiti negli anni fino a quota 53. Ma ultimamente il carro attrezzi lo prendono di rado. «Di rimozioni non se ne fanno quasi, perché siamo tutti impegnati nella frenesia da buca stradale  racconta un vigile al comando di zona 2  mandiamo pattuglie a spasso per segnalare al Comune dove ci sia asfalto da rattoppare, già sapendo che tanto non ci sono tecnici a sufficienza per farlo». Che le buche (aperte da dicembre) siano ora una priorità, il comando lo ha deciso qualche giorno ago.

overtime. Nentre brigade unions were divided on the usefulness of the stinging spray - with the CGIL "contrary to the security-drift" and Sulpm "favorable to the safety of someone in the street" - Palazzo Marino asked the cast of the usual 2 thousand hours extraordinary. It happens every day. In twelve months the brigade has done 700 thousand hours of extra service, and on average each of the 2 thousand agents who agree to work out their hours are 347 hours of overtime. The law says that the limit is 180 per year, but there are those who makes 140 a month. "We cover 35 percent of services in overtime, because they are too few fighters 3071 Joseph Falanga says, the union UIL FPL Add to this the fact that we are called to perform the function of public policy without receiving any compensation for this. "

RESULTS. The numbers released by the deputy mayor told a brigade ultra efficient and always at the forefront. Lining up on the latest press releases from De Corato it turns out that last year, the ration was fined 3,357 street traders, which in just two weeks patrols CharliePierfrancesco Majorino, leader of the Democratic Party in the municipal council, attacks: "Instead of inventing nonsense, De Corato should tell us why today there are fewer than 480 fighters at the time of Alberti. "

Myrtle Beach Houses Senior Week


.. could not miss the photos of the Carnival of Venice ..

.. 's atmosphere is magical ..
and sometimes crossing a form in the porch,
for a moment seems to go back in time ..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Body Fortress Super Advanced Creatine Dangers

Intervista a Serge Latouche

In this blog we try to give some cultural references that we particularly appreciate. will try to give space to all thinkers, philosophers, sociologists, intellectuals who have given .... or are making a significant contribution to the elaboration of a thought that is proposed or a different world that stand out for analysis capabilities. ; After proposing an article by Zizek, today we offer an interview with the theory of decline, Serge Latouche, taken from the website: http://www.glialtrionline.it/home

Serge Latouche, "Less than GDP for all ..."

Nanni Riccobono
  • Author: Nanni Riccobono
  • Published: March 12, 2011
  • Comments: None
to Interview ' French economist and philosopher, theorist of the "decline"
Serge Latouche is a lanky and very kind gentleman who embodies with his theory of decline, linked to every possible imaginary "quality of life" which was conceived and advocated in recent decades. He did not and do not use the phone and traveling senza portatile, adopera la corrispondenza via mail ma solo a casa sua, a Parigi. È un economista, ma com’è noto “predica” l’uscita dall’economia che considera una categoria storica convenzionale costruita per parlare di fenomeni vissuti, e non un’essenza eterna ed immutabile. Dunque, contro ogni “principio” economico vede nella crescita il nemico dell’umanità. Molti lo giudicano un pazzo, soprattutto a sinistra; altri, sempre a sinistra, lo considerano un profeta. In realtà la sua teoria è molto meno immaginifica della vulgata ecologista, ha solide fondamenta economiche ma anche filosofiche e sociologiche e nel suo ultimo libro,  Come si esce dalla società dei consumi  (Bollati Boringhieri, pp. 192, euro 16), descrive percorsi che sono tutto sommato sensati e realistici e che non hanno molto in comune con l’idea di un ritorno bucolico a quella sorta di medioevo soggettivo che a volte si ritrova incarnato in alcuni suoi “seguaci”. Lo incontriamo a Ravenna, a margine del seminario organizzato dall’associazione Femminile Maschile Plurale in occasione dell’8 marzo, di cui parliamo più dettagliatamente nelle pagine del settimanale in edicola.
Professor Latouche, nel suo ultimo libro lei sembra alquanto soddisfatto della crisi economica che sembra confermare le sue predizioni. Però sui giornali leggiamo che ci sono segnali Shooting ...
No, I am convinced that growth is not over and never recover. But do not talk about the latest crisis. The growth ended in the seventies, more precisely in '75. Since then we have experienced a fake growth, artificial growth, through the magic of the head of the Fed, Greenspan. Of course, the indices of GDP continued to grow, but not welfare, not grown. We have experienced real growth between 1945 and 1975, a period that has brought real well in the homes of workers, but after the crisis of Fordism productivity is no longer grown as before, and environmental degradation has been so strong that you , alla fine del mese ai salariati toccava un salario più alto, ma le spese provocate dalla finta crescita erano sempre più forti dei benefici. Per questo dico che da allora è stata una crescita fittizia. Un po’ come la luce che ancora vediamo, ma che proviene da stelle spente. Dall’agosto 2007, dalla cosiddetta crisi dei subprime, dopo il 16 settembre 2008 e il fallimento della Lehman Brothers, non si può più nascondere il fatto che viviamo in una società della crescita senza crescita.
I governi hanno tentato di tutto per salvare la situazione…
Già, hanno speso ventiquattromila miliardi di dollari per salvare il sistema finanziario, un terzo del Pil mondiale, una cosa gigantesca, fatta da governi che non trovano cento milioni di dollari per salvare lo stato sociale, la scuola, la sanità. Ma sono interventi che se pure massicci, creano una finta ripresa: la speculazione immobiliare è ripresa, la speculazione nelle borse è ricominciata, ma durerà poco ed è molto, molto fragile. Del resto, il prezzo del barile di petrolio è già salito moltissimo.
La situazione mediorientale non aiuta. Era prevedibile l’esplodere delle rivolte nel Maghreb e ora in Libia?
La situazione mediorientale era oggettivamente esplosiva ed è esplosa, ma non è questo che ha grandi effetti sulla crisi economica. Anche la situazione in Libia non costituisce un grande problem, Libya is the largest oil producer, is an accidental effect is not particularly significant.
The crisis is still an opportunity for reflection. It may be that incentive to consider more carefully the reasons for the decline?
I do not think. The opportunity to think out there, there have been over the decades. At that point we can say that we are obliged to fall? In my opinion, this point was passed long ago. But we have a great ability to hide things, to do the ostrich policy.
In his latest book, she says you have to subtract the money to the banks, and talks about the experiences of small communities that have embraced the theory and practice of decrease, the reunited ideally with experience of English utopians such as those told by William Morris' News from Nowhere. " She describes as "his" utopia decrease. But perhaps there is more need of political utopia.
But politics does not make sense without utopia! Socialism for two centuries has been a utopia but has had political effects, fed election programs. It continues to do so.
Socialism has made terrible effects produced and killed freedom ...
Yes, this happened in the East but socialism has also been made by us, in the social democracies of northern Europe, a model in the European left has yet to nostalgia. I certainly do not enhance those experiences, those were also the consumer society because they had accepted the capitalist system and the pervasiveness of the market. I just wanted to say that utopia of socialism has been partially achieved, produced the programs, not always good, but for Europe also had positive effects. For me the design of the decline is a real utopia. I've said before: no utopia policy would not make sense, we need to have a prospect of change. In my next book I make a distinction between myth e utopia. Definisco il mito come una cosa irrealistica, che può essere strumentalizzato a fini negativi: il mito della razza, per esempio, utilizzato dal nazismo, ma anche i miti del socialismo, penso a George Sorel, al mito dello sciopero generale… Il mito è pericoloso perché serve a manipolare le persone. L’utopia della società della decrescita si fonda su dati che possono farla funzionare. Se la vogliamo, quest’altra società è possibile. Naturalmente dobbiamo volerla, non sono affatto sicuro che si realizzerà, ma non è un’idea astratta e impossibile da concretizzare e può servire da guida per la politica, ad esempio, per costruire un programma politico per le prossime elezioni.
How can you "recovery" of money?
is a specific phase of the company's decline. It's hard to think but not to achieve small levels and running already. There are a lot of local currencies that work well. In Switzerland there is wir that is used between contractors, is an alternative currency. At the level of local exchanges there are several. Even in Italy, Aspromonte in the park when he was chairman Tonino Perna, there was the ' ecoaspromonte , a local currency for the park. Argentina, after the peso crisis, has survived thanks to local currencies. I say that money is a common thing, a very important thing that you should not be left to bankers. You must remove it from banks, finance, and return to society through the action of local authorities.
The decrease is related to ecology, but ecology often start diktat illiberal.
Ecology is both a science and a political movement. Scientists think they know the truth and when someone thinks he knows the truth there is no room for democracy. It is a wrong way, even if there is an important part of scientific ecology, because the issue is not it comes to saving the planet, the planet will save itself alone, it is about saving humanity. And to save humanity must ask people to participate in a project if they so choose. You can not force them. Men may prefer to commit suicide. In the meetings that I do around Europe it often happens that someone says, but no, we go on like this until the end, everything we consume and goodnight. We can not save humanity against his desire to commit suicide. The problem, in my opinion, is that consumption does not make us all happy: this is the most important dimension is the starting point of the project of decrease that to me is more important than size ecologist. But even if mine is a strong belief we are facing a phenomenon of drug addiction. The consumer is an addict of the consumer society, can know that is not good but can not do otherwise. It is a drug problem, and there are two actors. The traffickers, the big corporations that make profits and do not want to give up, and drug addicts, we, who are simultaneously victims and accomplices. Only under severe threat will undertake a cure.
We need a shock. According to her the economic crisis is not enough?
The crisis was a shock, but I think only the last four years: the crisis is not only financial and economic crisis is ecological, crisi sociale, crisi culturale: siamo in verità all’inizio di una crisi di civiltà. Nella storia occidentale abbiamo solo un esempio, molto complicato, che è la caduta dell’impero romano, il passaggio alla società cristiana. Ma questo processo si è svolto in tre-quattro secoli, forse di più. La nostra crisi di civiltà inizia negli anni Settanta, come dicevo, e oggi è già palpabile; comunque sarà molto più veloce perché in un modo o nell’altro ne usciremo prima del 2050, quando si stima che avverrà l’esaurimento delle risorse energetiche fossili.
Se questa che viviamo è una crisi di civiltà, dobbiamo aspettarci un lungo periodo di barbarie?
But the new barbarism is already here. They are called Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Marchionne ... We understand that barbarism can get worse, it may expel more immigrants, deporting more Roma make more semi-slave laborers, and so on, and this probably will happen in very little. There are one hundred thousand Egyptian press outside of Italy. What will the Italian government? Concentration camps, I guess. This is called barbarism, or not? So we are faced with a choice: either the barbarity, or the company's decline. I call it as a frugal society of abundance, it seems a paradox but it is not. If we understand that ours is a society of but the frustration, we also understand that the only opportunity to create wealth is thrift. If we restrict all our needs then we can satisfy them, and this is mathematically possible.
How can one talk of decline and the workers laid off workers who want to work and therefore the development?
must explain to them that is not true that the development produces work. Is not the development that creates jobs. The development was the solution to the crisis of the postwar period to allow profits to increase wages and so too, but all this is over. We must find a way out because there will be a return to work, become a scarce resource and we must share it. Less work all work and basic income. We must put pressure on the states through political programs. We must seek to reduce the working hours to provide jobs for all and raise taxes on financial profits, because we got to the huge levels of inequality. This has left the great responsibility he has accepted the paradigm of infinite progress without wondering where it would bring.
She speaks of the spirit of the gift within the project of decrease, as recognition of ecological debt, and gives it a first philosophy, that of being. What do you mean?
I mean that we live in a world abounding in natural means of subsistence, but were commodification, they have been established for the convenience of the scarcity of the scarce and it was also decided not to consider the other side of commodity production, ie waste , pollution, disruption of ecosystems. So the company has shown growth of "forgetting" to be. Denied our situation in a world that is generous and limited at the same time. It is as if negassimo our human condition. In my idea of \u200b\u200bdecline is the spirit of giving in social relations as a reminder of what the Greeks was the caritas the philia, mentioned by Marcel Mauss. This friendship, this community. Concepts necessary to avert the destructive drive of any democratic society.