Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Ha ragione un blogger egiziano residente in Italia, che da sempre vicino al regime di Mubarak (e di cui non voglio fare il nome per non entrare in sterile polemics personal pollute the debate) when advised its readers to learn Arabic and to draw on first hand sources wherever possible, by reading the original. But it is precisely because I do not think many of us in Italy to have this dual capacity, to understand the sources, knowing the context and being able to bring in a form readable to those who want to deepen, deeply regret that people like this blogger could have all these instruments, it pays to bring the Egyptian propaganda of state television. Now this blogger, having appealed against the Islamic threat, it is surprising that the opposition are not only the Muslim Brotherhood! Better late than never! It 'exactly I support what the first day of this uprising, and that there are not only the Muslim Brotherhood as some media outlets still continue to insist (in fact, the Muslim Brothers are tentatively added to the protests and rebellion, they had absolutely no planned sensed the excitement and this fact should tell us something about the lack of capacity shown by this organization to really catch the mood and the popular discontent, as they would like some literature disasters), but the actors of the revolution and many are sorry if we repeat ourselves, but especially young people: the youth of April 6, bloggers like the manager of Google just released .... the millions of young people which we have already spoken. Then there's liberal Ayman Nur and imprisoned just for having dared to challenge the regime and his party El Ghad (Tomorrow), there's El Baradei and his coalition for change, there seems to Amr Moussa enter the game (but tonight I was reading from the square twitter mocked him for having supported the solution of the transition without leakage Mubarak's really a mistake of a person who enjoys (enjoyed?) sympathies and respect to cross), there are intellectuals "Kifaya" including the Christian George Ishak and describes a few sentences in the previous post. There is the old "legal opposition" old fogies generally belonging to political parties almost always without almost popular following, the so-called "legal opposition" .. Nasserites, the ancient old liberal Wafd Party, historically the party of landowners, the Tajammu ', Communists, Al' Amal, Labour, Socialist-Islamist. But in reality there is a given real return to the office on the truth that I think should be repeated several times: the young! Young people of all trends, different from all the others left, the brothers, but often much more in tune with their peers and lay people who through their leadership ...
Then it happens that someone in the usual "experts" (sometimes seems to just go on TV to be "experts", sin that in the tv today go dogs and pigs, but pigs abundantly prevail), or sometimes other Egyptians reactionary pro-Mubarak as that at the beginning stating vehemently, "you talk of democracy but there are people who still want to Mubarak "or" The important thing now is to return to normal life, you need stability .. enough of this revolution. " Of course there is someone who wants Mubarak! In a country with about 2 million belonging to the various police forces, about 80 million inhabitants, are 1 in 40 police officers, given the ties of kinship (though usually marry each other) becomes a certain amount, combined with many who ate little or a lot thanks to the corrupt and the party-state, with many members of the military hierarchy, the big business .. sure there are people who still support Mubarak ... why would selfish to lose only small or big privileges. Even those who supported Pinochet in Chile was even until the end ...
Infine trovo scandaloso che in Italia oggi ci sia qualcuno, tra gli italiani che parlano di democrazia ogni volta che si nomina l'islam e dicono di temere i popoli musulmani perché incompatibili con la democrazia, con chi promuove questa visione di scontro di civiltà più o meno latente, (dal Corriere della Sera, capofila in questo e promotore del prodotto Fallaci fase bava alla bocca ai giornalacci della destra fino a blogger “realpolitkisti”…), che si permetta di fare della realpolitik sulla voglia e richiesta di democrazia che viene da tutto l'Egitto e soprattutto da quel 75% della popolazione che ha meno di 25 anni e che vuole un altro futuro!
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