Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Personal Statement For Hygienist

presented the case annual migrantes caritas- that you can download the short version here . Here are a few chapters very interesting che non possono che stimolare riflessioni anche nel nostro ambito locale. Dati e elementi di un fenomeno che vede cambiare la nostra società, a partire dalle nostre città. E al quale dobbiamo saper dare una risposta concreta.
Partiamo dai dati sulla popolazione.
I migranti in Italia sono 5 milioni, di cui il 10% nati nel nostro paese, una popolazione molto giovane basti pensare che il 20% è sotto i 18 anni.
Migranti e lavoro.
Migrants account for 10% of the workforce and account for 11, 1% of GDP, are holders of 3.5% of companies pay € 7.5 billion in social security contributions to the state treasury a tax of more than 33 billion euro.
media impact on the Italian population . The average impact on the Italian population is now 7%, but in many regions like Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Umbria you go over 10% in some provinces and also over 12% (Brescia, Mantova, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia). In Rimini, the impact on the population migrante è di circa 11%. La popolazione migrante femminile incide mediamente per il 51,3%. La comunità più numerosa è quella Rumena (1 milione di presenze), seguita da quella albanese (500 mila) e marocchina (500 mila), quindi quella cinese (200 mila) e ucraina (200mila). Dato interessante è la forte penetrazione nel territorio che non si ferma più alle grandi città, anzi: gli immigrati si stabiliscono sempre di più nei piccoli centri. Per esempio gli stranieri sono il 20% dei residenti a Porto Recanati e a Castiglione delle Stiviere. Ad Airole (Imperia) superano addirittura il 35%.
Congiunzioni matrimoniali e nuovi cittadini . Sono circa 240mila i matrimoni misti celebrati tra il 1996 e il 2008 (quasi 25mila nell'ultimo anno); più di mezzo milione le persone che hanno acquisito la cittadinanza, di cui 59mila nel 2009; oltre 570mila gli "stranieri" nati direttamente in Italia; quasi 100mila quelli che ogni anno nascono da madre straniera.
Ma veniamo al capitolo forse più utile per comprendere la portata socio-economica del fenomeno: La ricchezza dei migranti . The relationship between the Italian state spends on the migrant population and the taxes they paid is a very positive balance in favor of the Italian state. According to the estimates given in the dossier, in fact, including social security contributions and fiscal balance in assets of approximately EUR 1 billion per year. Not only that. He is currently a senior among immigrants resident every 30, every 4 to 1 among the Italians. As for remittances, in 2009 the money sent home by migrants exceeded the 6.7 billion euro.
lowest average salaries . The net monthly salary of immigrants nel 2009 è stata di 971 euro, rispetto ai 1.258 euro per gli italiani.
I reati degli stranieri . Stando al Dossier, "il ritmo d'aumento delle denunce contro cittadini stranieri è molto ridotto rispetto all'aumento della loro presenza, per cui è infondato stabilire una rigorosa corrispondenza tra i due fenomeni". Da cui: "gli italiani e gli stranieri in posizione regolare hanno un tasso di criminalità simile".
Monday, October 25, 2010
Masterbation And Cholestrol
Secondo indiscrezioni lasciate trapelare dal responsabile informazione Matthew Orfini of Pd, Tg1 over the last quarter of the continued fall (for months) in the ratings, has produced a significant decrease (downward) of advertising revenue: that advertisers seem to stay away from news of Minzolini. What a loss - it seems - € 3 million is expected compared to the Tg1 Minzolini of a product - commercially speaking - more Slim. Before the severe opinion
dell'Agicom then now is the advertisers (and perhaps - luckily - also teleaspettatori), however, beyond the free fall of the poor performance Smilzolini , is to be hoped that they are now encouraging signs an audience that simply with a sudden pressure on the button at the right time, proves to be more adult than what they say.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Maria Met Art Pregnant

Poi però per secondo pindaricamente Fini invita Berlusconi ad occuparsi dell'oggi e a "governare". Per il futuro c'è time, or - perhaps - he's there for the future: "I candidate for prime minister?" In a democracy the voters make the choice. I'd be hypocritical if I tirassi back, but I have realism, sense of proportion, down to earth .
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Old Game With Bow And Arrowto Shoot Balloons

said del resto lo stesso Remolo allattato con Romolo dalla Lupola e così anche le famose enfant prodige della scuola berlusconiana, le 3 gemelle "i" che spadroneggiarono nella campagna del 2001, subiscono seri tagli, serissimi.
Monday, October 18, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Gingivitis On My Cat
"Tonight I speak to them in any school or institution in any part of this country know that the laughter was unbearable, I know that people in the your family or school will not understand and maybe sometimes you do evil, but I want know that things will get better. "" I expect out of school told me that I was a fag, and then I die and go to hell, the place to which I belonged [...] This story is not for adults, is for those kids who perhaps at this moment are thinking about hanging themselves or filled with pills. You should know that there's more: yes, the school was difficult, coming out was painful, but give yourself a chance to see how much life, a better life ahead of you. It will get better: get out of that family that you do not agree, at the end of the school will not have to have anything to do with those bastards, if you desire. You'll get new friends who understand you and the life migliorerà immensamente".
leggi l'articolo di qui .
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How To Make The Seadoo Challenger 180 Faster
Friday, October 15, 2010
Watch Free Onlin Vampire Strangler

Noi oggi saremo qui, una bella iniziativa programmata da tempo e crediamo molto utile.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Garlic For Hemorrhoids

San Gaudenzio led us well.
yesterday's good news. Was in the air for a while ', and is now less in the air, indeed.
Good news: you add a new candidate track for the primaries of December (in December because they are the primary: it is good to start to remember to avoid misunderstandings).
And now, on paper - and some 'heretics - are potentially at 3: Arlotti, Fabbri, Pazzaglia. In addition to these Gnassi if it breaks through the inertia and perhaps other candidates from other coalition forces would be important that they be expressed, or perhaps the famous street.
It 's a good news because it adds a sign of life. The right thinks of a poll, you know life.
But for us it is true, it's time to move, because the risk is that the soup is bland, missing the pepper and salt, the primary non-fulfill their fundamental purpose: the involvement the people and the peaceful path that makes everyone say "may the best win," without too much sweat in your hands.
's time to the contrary, we want to see them confront these candidates. No more internal rituals, we can all get involved as voters and as a party and we enjoy a breath of oxygen.
The center can win if he wins between people and between people can only be overcome by expanding the game.
And to stay on the subject of courage and instill healthy and robust democracy, we remind you of an appointment tomorrow with "THE MARROW OF THE LION" Space Dome at 17.30 with Reichlin and Civati \u200b\u200b.
Here a nice review of Filippo Pecci on :
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What Colours Do Shag Bands Mean?
The figure of Gaudenzio (or Gaudenzo) there are different traditions. The common elements of the original show as Ephesus. Arriving in Rome around the IV century, he was ordained priest and then bishop, and then sent by the pope to proclaim the Gospel in Rimini. He became bishop of the city (probably the proto-bishop) in the year 359 attended the Council of Rimini organized to condemn Arius, when it loomed victory Gaudenzio, with 17 other bishops, he left the council and retreated to a nearby town and after this event was called the Catholic Church. Back in Rimini, attacked the positions Aryan. Arrested, he was snatched from the hands of judges and lynched by the followers of Arius, October 14, 360. During his episcopate ordained deacon Marino, the holy founder of the neighboring Republic.
He led a pretty city, has founded one, inspiring the birth of the first Republic of history. Even in dark times, light years Nova Era of the "Strategic Plan", he is not shortage of independence and courage, vision and ability to act. Perhaps more secular, but he could not be our candidate "civic" ideal?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Where Do I Buy Punch Cups Like In The Movie
Nessuna firma in calce, nessun contratto. Ma un pranzo a Roma e due belle dichiarazioni. E' in un primo pomeriggio di inizio autunno che si risveglia dal torpore - in un certo senso a sorpresa - l'aspettativa ( speranza è prematuro visti i tempi che corrono) e la curiosità (ma avremmo voluto scrivere l' adrenalina, e anche questo sostantivo ce lo teniamo per tempi migliori) di chi nel centro-sinistra si riconosce.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
80's Arerobics Instructor Costume

"We hope that Obama is not free, I hope for the United States ... Montezemolo, Perfume, Marcegaglia , Dragons, there are none of those who did volunteer to parties of the Democratic Party. We have a beautiful thing: the primaries. For now have fun with newspapers, poi, quando sarà il momento, vedremo."
Così ce lo siamo goduto. Dopo l'Assemblea nazionale ( qui il liveblogging dell'ultima giornata dal sito del Civati ) è un Bersani con grinta, che attacca e che non tralascia niente, o quasi.
Poi però, siamo seri, se Obama si libera gli si permette di mettersi in fila con gli altri a raccogliere le firme, vero?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Extigy Windows 7 64 Bit Drivers
Il film capolavoro di Frederick Wiseman, opera prima girata nel 1967, è un documentario dalla forza visionaria sconvolgente, che segna la nascita di un nuovo modo di cogliere la realtà, di una diversa e più profonda visione del mondo, a partire dalla quale Wiseman costruirà per più di quarant'anni la sua dirompente e modernissima filmografia.
Di seguito 3 link al sito VICE che rimandano ad una intervista molto interessante fatta al nostro Wiseman:
Intervista a F. Wiseman (parte 1)
Intervista a F. Wiseman (parte 2)
Intervista a F. Wiseman (parte 3)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Food That Tastes Like Blood
…i bei tempi went to candidates in vitro: from Napo Orsocapo to Bova.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fairtex Boxing Twins Vs. Fairtex Boxing Gloves?

Ah! As we wanted yesterday to be in Rome ... closing our eyes but we can imagine this particular day that passes to the news of the day as Vogliamoce bbene.
Among tricolor flags, but modified for the occasion with three different shades of green is going to table the second renaissance. And Valley and Romans - but after mutual misunderstandings fleeting (The Senatùr would not have said "pigs" but "few," meaning they are "just these Romans, it would take more") shaking hands. All
The event was inspired by the harmony, by mutual respect, even from the desire of mutual integration of the two Italian populations (pace of Garibaldi & Co) so that at the beginning of the magnet was signed a treaty of non-belligerency.
Melting Pot, we said. Because of things in common there are many.
Despite a letter of formal notice of the foundation of "La Sora Lella" has managed to develop a menu of respect:
- all'Amatriciana Polenta with a drizzle of extra virgin castor
- Roasted lamb stuffed with risotto Milanese
- Panetùn alla Romana (ie con burro di latte di Lupa, un po' acido ma originale)
- Vino dei Castelli (che i padani si son scolati in tronco pensando fosse quello portato dall'ex guardiasigilli)
- Acqua padana (servita in misteriose melmose ampolline)
Anche sugli inni c'è statà unità: entrambe le tifoserie hanno abbandonato per un giorno i cari reciproci mottetti e così tra "O mia bela madunina" e "Giovinezza" si è optato per a more sober "Welcome to sti frocioni" that suit everyone.
not obviously missed some collegiate as the balloon fart joke in the chair of the Head of Delegation or the vial of Guttalax valley emptied into the glass of one of the comrades present.
short, everything went smoothly. And even on the town again scapegoat there was harmony. The cry "Down with the bell!" a handful of green tissues and sons of the wolf headed on foot for the Rome-Naples putting out of the first gas station in the Campania region.
A very special day, sanctioned by the news, you were in that of Rome. In the video below
fratelli padani e romani mentre si scambiano effusioni.